
I'm Kyle.

Where it started -- Growing up in a time when film cameras and VHS existed was where it all started. With my parents having both film cameras and VHS around, they gave me one when I was 6. From there, making videos was something I always did as a kid. Whether it was with friends or family vacations, throughout middle school and high school I continued to make films. In 2014 I decided to start KRD productions. Throughout the years I’ve met some great people and I’m thankful for this gift God has given me to use.

From VHS to a Red digital camera -- If you aren’t familiar with cinema cameras, Reds have been used to film many movies. Here are a few you may know. When it comes to my work, quality is the number 1 priority. I shoot with Red Digital cinema camera for videography and Fujifilm for photography. Both cameras have the ability to capture a space or scene with incredible detail. From shooting to editing, you’ll receive a product you’re proud to showcase. I take great care in the editing process using Adobe CC Software.

Thanks again for taking the time to read more about KRD Productions. I look forward to meeting and working with you to create something great.